
PP Chloe

Time is too slow for those who wait,
Too swift for those who fear,
Too long for those who grieve,
Too short for those who rejoice,
But for those who love, time is
    ~Henry Van Dyke
Chloe was rescued from a high kill shelter in South Carolina, by Goathouse Refuge, in October 2014. Foster daddy Jeff Emmons, took care of Chloe while she got healthy, giving Imagine Home time to arrange transport in November of 2014. Chloe was a loving and cute little monkey, who made all who met her want to keep her! She had such a great personality, everyone that came into contact with her fell in love with her! Chloe recently went to the Rainbow Bridge, to wait for Charlene, who showered Chloe with love, and went above and beyond where most humans would go, in her attempt to save Chloe.
Chloe’s story, in her mama’s words: “The last two weeks Chloe has been having vestibular problems, balance issues, seizure like movements, head tilt, decreased activity and enlarged eyes. After two emergency vet vists, and seeing my regular veterinarian, it was decided that she needed to see a specialist. I took Chloe to Michigan State University Veterinary Small Animal Hospital on Sunday April 5, 2014. It was decided that she would need Neuroligical and Dermatology consultation and possible CT Scan to the ears, and MRI to the brain to rule out brain tumor or fungus. I knew that testing and treatment would be expensive. I decided to do all I could to find out what was wrong. CT scan showed the ears looked good. No problems with eardrum or infection.”
“The MRI test results were not good. We thought maybe this was an ear problem, but what we found out was that Chloe had a very aggressive fungus in her brain that look like a tumor. This fungus ate it’s way throught the skull into the sinus’s and into the surrounding eye’s. This was detected with the MRI. The prognosis was not good with no treatment options… We went today, and Chloe died in my arms. I watched her body go lifeless. I cried and cried. It was a hard decision, but I did not have any other. This precious little girl is gone, and I have a hole in my heart and life. I had to make some hard decisions.”
“Chloe, I love you, and I will see you again someday. I hope you have your little heated cat bed in heaven and please wait for me. Know that I will think of you often. Miss you and love you, Mom.”

One thought on “Chloe”

  1. i am so sorry for your loss. I have, unfortunately, experienced this all too often. Not the fungal invasion, but holding my kitty at the moment of death. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

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